Following the COVID 19 crisis, many of the vulnerable women and families that we have been supporting are currently struggling to cope. With the lock down in place, the women have been forced to close their small businesses and told to stay home in order to stay safe and healthier. What this means is that the women have no source of income and this has therefore trickled down to their families as they can no longer afford to provide basic needs especially a daily meal for their children and families.
We are no sure when the lockdown will be lifted and women resume with their small businesses. We want to make sure that the women and their families stay safe and healthier during these difficult times.
For now, we would like to make sure the vulnerable women and their families are able to access food and other basic needs during this lockdown period.
We kindly request you to give the women a hand up and enable them to pass through this difficult time. You can support and make a donation towards food basket via this link: