Alaisha is 28 years old and a mother of 3 children; she never had an opportunity to have a good education due to poverty. Although she is married, her family lives in extreme poverty. Her husband is a peasant and his income is very small to sustain the family, care for the needs of the children and wellbeing of the family.
Alaisha desires to see that her children will be able to have a good education and live better lives compared to hers. The reason she is struggling today is because she didn’t have an education something which she does not want to see happen to her children. In order to achieve her dreams of sending her children to school, Alaisha wants to start up a small business selling second hand clothes. She hopes that the business will help provide her with the money to pay children school fees and support them with basic needs.
Much as she wants to start a business, Alaisha does not have the required capital to establish her business. She visited our office requesting for a small loan of £94/$115 so that she can get started. We would like to request you to support Alaisha by choosing to fund her to start up her second hand cloth business. If you fund her business, you will help Alaisha send her children to school, provide a meal for her children and achieve her dream.
Alaisha is determined to become economically independent and support her children in school. Through your commitment, prayers and love, Alaisha’s dreams will be achieved.
We thank you very much for choosing to fund Alaisha’s business.