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The vulnerability of women is an issue that still limits women’s ability to thrive. When a woman is vulnerable, she is at risk and prone to poverty and poor standards of living. Vulnerable women include widows, single mothers, HIV+ women, women in extreme poverty and grandmothers. In addition the women are themselves illiterate with no education. When a woman is vulnerable, she faces numerous challenges as she can’t find a job to support her family and yet women remain the key engine in the support of their families especially in the care of children. Without skills and a livelihood, the women cannot sufficiently provide for their families.
The women in Nyenga Division and surrounding communities need skills, tools and information to be able to generate income to support their families, but do not have a specialized place or a collection centre of skills where they can go and acquire the practical skills. Talking with the women, many want to start a livelihood to support their families and improve on their standards of living. However, there are barriers: low hands-on skills, poor health, financial literacy and business skills. According to the World Bank, “there is a huge need for capacity building in basic skills (business planning, finance, hands-on skills, and management)”.
SustainME is committed to ensuring that every woman is empowered and free from vulnerability. In efforts to achieve our vision, we are working towards establishing a Women’s Centre in Uganda. The Centre will be a place where vulnerable women and families to will find hope and empowerment, and therefore the Centre will serve 3 major purposes: the Centre will be a place where women will come to access practical and empowerment skills in business, crafts, financial and vocational skills including sewing, bakery and farming.
Secondly, the Centre will offer reproductive health and health education such as family planning, hygiene and medical check-ups for the women and their children. Health issues and lack of health information is one of the aspects that limit women’s performance, women end up producing many children yet they can’t adequately support them. A basic mini medical clinic and a full time nurse will help to support the women with information and provide medical check-ups to the women and their children.
Thirdly, the Women’s Centre will provide a safe place for a family which is under threat, women who have been chased off their property after the loss of their husbands and have no place to go, and a woman’s family that may need a temporary shelter. While a family stays at the Centre for a period between 1-3 months, it will be put on an empowerment program where they can acquire skills and tools to start up an income generating activity and provide for themselves.
We believe that empowerment is the best chance to build capacities for vulnerable women so that they are able to provide for their children with a meal, pay school fees, medical care and take care of other basic needs.
Help us to establish a Women’s Centre by donating today. Your donation will help us to purchase a piece of land, set up structures and purchase the first phase of equipments for the Centre.
Once the Centre is set up, more lives of women and their families will be touched. It will enable SustainME to have a collection point of all skills required to help each woman to run and manage an income generating activity, a safe place to care for a family under threat and a health department to care for the diverse health needs of vulnerable women and their families.
The women and school dropout girls will have access to holistic and practical skills in financial literacy, business skills, vocational skills trainings and medical facilities. The Centre will serve the following purposes: empower women and school dropout girls with comprehensive and practical skills, offer medical support and care for the vulnerable women and their children, and provide a safe place for a family under threat.
SustainME believes in “building a world where every woman is empowered and free from vulnerability”. When women are empowered with finance literacy, business skills and hands-on skills, their capacity to establish small businesses and income generating activities is enhanced. They will use their income generating activities to earn an income and use the income earned to provide a meal to their children; they will use the money to grow their businesses and community. Once women are empowered, they start to empower others.
Our target is to raise $50,000.
Please consider making a donation towards the establishment of our Women’s Centre.
Please click the button below to make a donation
Thank you very much for helping us to build the Women’s Centre!