A year ago, Fazira Baluka was enrolled in our women empowerment where she was able to access both business-and-financial literacy skills. The skills gave her an […]
At the end of every year, SustainMe shares Christmas love gifts with poor families through the Share a Meal project. Share a Meal gives poor families […]
With your support and commitment, our work is leading to total life transformation and impact in the lives of vulnerable women and their families. The story […]
For many years, Cecilia lived in a dilapidated house with leaking roof and when it rained, she would spend sleepless nights standing with her 2 grandchildren. […]
A few months ago, with the support of our community of supporters, Afaayo group of 20 vulnerable women was empowered with small startup soft loans and […]
Annet and Gertrude collaborate in Business. Due to Covid-19, lack of customers and high costs of doing business, Annet and Gertrude decided to work together to […]