October 17, 2019

An Inspiring gift changed Mariam’s life

Mariam is a single mother of 7 children and 2 of her children have already dropped out of school because she couldn’t afford to pay their […]
October 14, 2019

Mentoring Women

SustainME provides Mentorship to the vulnerable women in order to ensure the sustainability of their small businesses. First when the women access business training, it is […]
September 10, 2019

Thank you Northwestern University Interns

Last summer we hosted 4 interns including Rebecca, Tyler, Leana and Sikandar from Northwestern University through partners FSD Uganda. We are so much excited that for […]
July 16, 2019

Meet our internship team from Northwestern University

Sikandar “I rejuvenated my energy for the final push but in vein. Our car was jammed in the swap. Meanwhile, the intensity of the downpour increased. […]
July 2, 2019

12 year old makes a difference

We are thrilled with the generous donation that we received from a 12 year old. Emily donated 3 inspiring gifts to the vulnerable women and families […]
July 2, 2019

Impact Report for June

Thank you very much the SME family for your continuous support. With your support, we continue to empower vulnerable women and families to fight poverty through […]
June 9, 2019

Mary’s life changed

Mary, a mother of 5 children joined our women empowerment program 2 years ago. Through the program, Mary received business training, mentorship and later was able […]
May 4, 2019

Impact Report for April

We are thrilled to share with you about work and activities of the month of April. The month saw Sustain Micro Enterprise reach out to vulnerable […]
May 3, 2019

Impact of your Inspiring Gifts

We are thrilled to share with you about the impact of your inspiring gift. In order to fight poverty, Sustain Micro Enterprise shares a wide range […]