Grandmothers are among the most vulnerable women that we serve. In many communities, grandmothers are found to be taking care of grandchildren who are left behind […]
As a women empowerment charity, our work with the vulnerable women would not be possible without the support of the wonderful volunteers. Our great appreciation to […]
Have you ever imagined how life would be like without micro enterprises especially for the poor communities? Well, life would be very difficult for the poor […]
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Hannah to Sustain Micro Enterprise. Hannah joins Sustain Micro Enterprise as a volunteer and will be involved […]
A year ago, Sustain Micro Enterprise received funding from St. Martin’s Church, Walsall. We used the funds to start up a Goats project “Give a Goat” […]
Meet Agatha Namaganda, a woman entrepreneur who has successfully developed her Grocery business with the support from Sustain Micro Enterprise. Agatha joined our program two years […]
Grace Arayo is one of the many vulnerable women who have had the opportunity to benefit from the microfinance, business skills and mentorship provided by Sustain […]
Meet our new women’s group by names of Balitwewunya women group. The group comprises of 12 vulnerable women! Sustain Micro Enterprise has recently trained this group […]